Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Are you ready for this Summer?

You know that Mademoiselle Anastasia love the blog Trivial Isanity by Nino Eliava? You already saw it: here, here, here and here
Now with Nino we decided to change header of her blog every season and the most exciting time of the year is already on the way to us.

Are you ready for this Summer?


  1. Я еще совсем не готова к лету... Гардероб не обновляла, ничего не покупала. Впереди сессия - времени совсем нет, но, надеюсь, наверстаю время =)
    А ты готова к лету?

    1. Konechno, naverstaesh! :-)))) I udachi s sessiei, ya so svoei tut razdelalas' uje! :-))) I teper' k letu gotova! Pravda u nas tut im daje ne pahnet poka... +10 maximum... No, glavnoe, chto u menya teper' v dushe - leto i solnce! I million interesneishih proektov! :-))))))))))) xxx

  2. What great illustrations! xxx


  3. almost ready!!! sold my old summer clothes in my vintage shop, now want a new white t-shirt with your print...the problem - dont know which one!!!hmmm...

    1. hahaha :-))) you are a coolest businesswomen in the world!!!!
      maybe the print of you in the beautiful dress near the castle??!!! a?!

    2. thanks;) but my guess pumps were not accepted...:( the shop is already full of summer stuff, so they took only most valuable pieces:(
      oh, yes, I would like to!!:) what is the style of the dress? could you send my the similar picture?:) could I have the picture after to put it on my wall???

      but, I still would like the shirt with russian dolls!!!

    3. maybe you can sell it on ebay?! ;-)
      you have already this picture (from Abbaye)!!! :-)) I speak about your beautiful maxi dress with flowers! and of course you will put it on your wall!! haha :-)))
